[News] The Struggle for Palestine Conference SF 10/2/2004

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Sat Sep 11 19:38:33 EDT 2004

>The Struggle for Palestine:
>4th Anniversary of the Intifada
>October 2nd 2004.
>Horace Mann Middle School - 3351 23rd Street, San Francisco
>The Justice in Palestine Coalition, a group of progressive organizations 
>who have come together to work for a free Palestine, is hosting a day-long 
>conference to:
>1. Educate ourselves and our allies, and deepen our knowledge & 
>understanding of the struggle in Palestine.
>2. Link the work of our individual organizations and strengthen our 
>networks and activism through discussion, debate, and collaborative planning.
>3. Organize for future solidarity and develop concrete a concrete plan of 
>action for the coming months.
>4. Support the resistance in Palestine, and make links with others who are 
>fighting against the US occupation of Iraq, and against US Imperialism 
>around the world.
>The conference will include panels, workshops and cultural performances. A 
>complete schedule of events is listed below.
>Please reply to this email to find out about the next meeting of Justice 
>in Palestine and help us build for this important event.
>** Program **
>The Struggle for Palestine: 4th Anniversary of the Intifada
>October 2nd, 2004
>9:00-9:30: Registration
>Morning Plenary Session: The Current Status of Resistance in Palestine
>workshops throughout the day include:
>-Continuations of Plenary:  Status of Resistance
>-History of Palestine, The Nekbah and the Right of Return
>-Iraq and Palestine: 2 Struggles, One cause
>-Women and Resistance
>-Direct Action: Skills Development
>-The Impact of Palestine on the US Elections
>-Political Prisoners, Here and in Palestine
>-Globalization in the Arab World
>-The Targets of Empire: Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, Iran, Philippines, Africa
>-Arab World Solidarity/Resistance
>-US Solidarity Groups
>-Repression/Occupation in the US (patriot Act, profiling, attacks on civil 
>Report Back From Workshops
>Closing Summation and the Future in Palestine
>Cultural Performances
>for more information:
>info at justiceinpalestine.net
>or visit

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San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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