[News] Support SOPUDEP School in Petion-Ville, Haiti.

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Wed Sep 8 15:02:20 EDT 2004

Urgent Action Request
for SOPUDEP School

eMail letters of support to:

<mailto:info at haitiaction.net>info at haitiaction.net

Dear Friends,

This is an urgent request for your support of the SOPUDEP School in 
Petion-Ville, Haiti.

At 11:00 am this morning, heavily armed police officers and members of the 
un-elected Mayor of Petion-Ville's irregular "security force" violated this 
school for the poor. The un-elected mayor, Mr. Figaro, entered the premises 
of the school with the appointed adjunct mayor of Petion-Ville Madame Rene. 
Entering the school in this manner was a case of blatant intimidation by 
show of arms and an inexcusable act. Upon entering, they refused to state 
the reason for their intrusion and rudely demanded to know the whereabouts 
of the schoolís director. On their way out, one of the armed men quipped 
that they were going to close the school.

This unique project which serves the poorest children in Petion-Ville 
barely escaped closure last March thanks to the pressure and support of its 
friends in the United States and Canada. We ask you to help SOPUDEP once 
again by responding quickly to demand that this resource of the poor remain 
untouched and to demand that the threats to close it cease immediately. 
Letters of support from individuals and organizations should be sent to 
<mailto:info at haitiaction.net>info at haitiaction.net. For organizations that 
have the resources, it is best you write a letter on your letterhead, sign 
it then scan it as a jpeg document before sending it.

The appointed adjunct mayor Madame Rene has agreed to meet with a small 
delegation of supporters tomorrow morning at 10:30 am. We know it is short 
notice but we would like to enter the meeting with as many letters of 
support as possible. If you cannot do this in time for meeting, send the 
letter when you can and we will have it hand delivered with others as soon 
as possible.

Thanking you in advance. Your voice will make a difference.


The Haiti Action Committee

eMail letters of support to:

<mailto:info at haitiaction.net>info at haitiaction.net

Here is background on the SOPUDEP School. As you notice from these 
excerpts, the enrollment has slowly increased to over 400 children today. 
That is a testimony in itself to the importance of the school for the 
poorest children in Petion-Ville :

<http://www.blackcommentator.com/36/36_guest_commentator.html>Is the US 
Funding Haitian Contras?
by Kevin Pina in Black Commentator
April 3, 2003

A prominent U.S. journalist, recently working in Haiti, once said of his 
editors, "Hey, I am sorry but they are not interested in positive stories 
about Lavalas. I wrote it, submitted it and they told me they were not 
interested." What was the story? It told of how the government expropriated 
the former mansion of a notorious Duvalierist drug dealer and assassin 
named Lionel Wooley, a.k.a. "Ti Je," and worked with a local grassroots 
organization to convert it into a school for the poorest children in the 
township of Petion-Ville. The school now serves over 160 of the area's 
poorest children and tries not to turn down any child whose parents cannot 
afford to pay. With the torture chamber under the swimming pool sealed 
forever, the school stands as a beautiful symbol of transforming a gruesome 
legacy of the past into hope for the future for Haiti's youngest and 
poorest citizens. Yet you will never read about it in the mainstream media.

Report from Minneapolis delegation:
<http://www.stjoan.com/er3/haiti/haiti2.htm>St. Joan of Arc

"<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/../kpAndre.html>Andre Jean-Marie was 
a member of a community group called SOPUDEP and founder of its school 
which our delegation visited. The school provides education for 350 needy 
children whose parents can not afford tuition or can not find a place for 
them in the overcrowded public school system. The school does not turn 
children away and provides one hot meal - sometimes the only hot meal a 
child will receive.

The school occupies the former residence of a Tonton Macoutes member. 
Tonton Macoutes were the paramilitary wing of Duvalier dictatorship and 
were known for their swift and cruel repression. The ousting of Duvalier, 
the dismantling of the Tonton Macoutes and the election of Jean Bertrand 
Aristide as president in 1990, signified a fresh change for Haiti. SOPUDEP 
and its school are a small indication of what is possible under the new 
democratic government. According to documentary filmmaker Kevin Pina, the 
location of the school "takes a symbol of a horrible piece of Haiti's 
history and turns it into a symbol of hope."

The leader of the delegation, parishioner Paul Miller, receives a plaque of 
appreciation from SOPUDEP. The visit to the school was a highlight of the 
trip. We were introduced to each classroom and were treated to songs in 
both English and Creole. We met Andre and many other teachers and 
administrators and heard their stories. At recess we had the opportunity to 
play with the children, take their photos and practice our Creole. With the 
support of the St. Joan of Arc Justice Fund and other fundraising, we were 
able to leave behind three suitcases of school supplies and $750 - enough 
to repair their second bathroom. The look of appreciation on their faces 
was heart-stopping and made us determined to forge an ongoing relationship 
with this wonderful school.

Two days after our visit to SOPUDEP, the rumblings of political dissent 
were in the air. Opposition groups, backed primarily by the elite, had 
taken to the street of Port-au-Prince to demand Aristide's resignation. In 
response, thousands of Aristide supporters also took to the streets, 
creating an explosive atmosphere in front of the palace.

Andre had been at the palace earlier that day for a literacy campaign 
meeting and returned to join the thousands of Aristide supporters. As he 
departed his car, he was struck and killed by bullets. The news of his 
death was shocking for our delegation and has rocked the school he founded. 
His death is tragic reminder of what can happen in an unstable political 
environment and when working for the poor can put one in danger. He leaves 
behind a wife and two children and dreams for a better Haiti."


This just in from Port-au-Prince: The SOPUDEP (Organization for the 
Socioeconomic Development of Petionville) school, which provides a free 
education and hot lunch program for over 400 of the poorest children in the 
community, is being threatened. Opposition thugs and former military have 
spread word through the neighborhood that they are planning to attack and 
burn the school very soon. The administration and staff take this threat 
very seriously and many of them have already gone into hiding until the 
situation changes.


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