[News] Venezuelan Ambassador on USA embargo against Cuba

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Fri Oct 29 12:15:32 EDT 2004

Venezuelan Ambassador raises spook of USA embargo against Cuba at the 
United Nations


Venezuela's Ambassador Fermin Toro Jimenez has told the 59th General 
Assembly of the United


Venezuela's UN Ambassador
Fermin Toro Jimenez
Nations UN) in New York this morning (Thursday) of the necessity to end the 
United States' economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba.

Under Agenda item #28, Toro Jimenez said that the Republic of Venezuela has 
in a firm and reiterated manner "rejected the promulgation and application 
of laws and dispositions with extraterritorial effects that ignore the 
sovereignty of other states."

In a transcript of his speech, Toro Jimenez continued:
The blockade imposed to Cuba, with coercive and extraterritorial character, 
constitutes a unilateral act of force that violates international law as 
well as the economic and commercial exchange rules among countries.

Commander Che Guevara, in the 19th General Assembly of the United Nations 
in 1964, denounced the political character of the imperialistic domination 
of the blockade, and its intensification by means of the implementation of 
measures imposed by the US Department of Commerce that totally prohibited 
the sale of medicine and food to Cuba.

With respect to this 'El Che' (Guevara) said: "We wish only to point out 
that insofar as Cuba is concerned, the United States of America has not 
implemented the explicit recommendations of that conference, and recently 
the US government also prohibited the sale of medicines to Cuba. By doing 
so it divested itself, once and for all, of the mask of humanitarianism 
with which it attempted to disguise the aggressive nature of its blockade 
against the people of Cuba."

These words pronounced by Comandante Che Guevara are the concrete 
demonstration of what constitutes the imperialistic nature of the blockade. 
The aim being pursued is isolation, the asphyxia and the immobility of 
Cuba, with the impossible purpose of putting down to its knees its heroic 
people, and lead them to give up their decision to be sovereign and 
independent, and to determine the course of their own history.

As of that date, the blockade has been intensified, extended, and deepened 
through legal instruments that pretend to be applied to all nations of the 
world that maintain commercial relations with Cuba.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe was used by reactionary 
sectors in the United States to impel these legal instruments that pretend 
to be applied to all countries that maintain commercial relations with Cuba.

The Torricelli Law, sanctioned by the American Congress, promulgated by 
ex-president George Bush, on October 23, 1992, and the Helms-Burton Law 
sanctioned on March 12, 1996, by US President William J. Clinton, also 
called The Cuban & Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 (or the Law of 
Liberty) constitutes another step towards the creation of (on the part of 
the US) a universal empire with headquarters in Washington.


Venezuela's UN Ambassador Fermin Toro Jimenez

Torricelli himself said it without any shame in paragraph 6 of section 2 of 
its project of law: "The collapse of the Communism in the previous USSR and 
Eastern Europe ... allow the US and the democratic community the 
opportunity without precedents to promote a pacific transition towards 
democracy in Cuba".

The respective project had an introduction that explained the political 
intention of the law: "...to promote a peaceful transition towards 
Democracy in Cuba" by means of "applying appropriate pressures to the Cuban 
government and all kinds of support for the Cuban people."

At the same time, the United States intensifies the development of new 
armaments and the unfolding of armies around of the world, trying to impose 
a military and global empire that seeks to force all countries, to adopt 
the same political and ideological behavior.

Mr. President:  The attempt to fold the brave and decided Cuban people 
through these types of aggressions has only been able to increase the 
consciousness of the people and has consolidated their Revolution. This is 
the true result of the Blockade.  In addition, the international community 
has understood this reality, and has voted favorably to this resolution, in 
an overwhelming manner, since 1991, adding 179 favorable votes in 2003.

In spite of all this, the American government, behind the back of the 
international community, instead of suspending the Blockade has intensified 
it, with other measures that now attempt directly against the family 
relations, by restricting visits to Cuba of American citizens and Cuban 
residents in the United States.

These new measures violate Human rights on a global scale. The health 
system ... one of the fundamental pillars of the program of the Cuban 
Revolution .. have been the object of the blockade by illegal trade 
practices, which prevent the sale by private companies, of the necessary 
technology to maintain operative the necessary instruments for the 
diagnosis and treatment of patients. Same illicit practices prevail in 
education, sport and culture.

Our Delegation, in solidarity with the Cuban Government and its people 
reiterates our position to reject the promulgation and application of all 
type of norms with extraterritorial effects that ignore the sovereignty of 
other States. Since this situation has not been stopped we will vote in 
favor of the Resolution that has been submitted to the consideration of 
this Assembly.

H. Exc. Ambassador
Fermin Toro Jimenez

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