[News] Red Crescent now estimate 6,000 killed in Fallujah

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Mon Nov 29 09:03:05 EST 2004


Aid finally reaches Fallujah civilians
11/27/2004 9:31:00 PM GMT



Red Crescent convoys have finally reached Fallujah civilians, after the 
deadly U.S.-led assault that broke out earlier this month and stayed for 
nearly three weeks with the aim of seizing control over the city.

The Iraqi Red Crescent told reporters on Saturday that it has managed to 
deliver aid to the battle-wrecked Iraqi city of Fallujah.

However, a spokesman said that the organisation fears that more than 6,000 
people may have died in the U.S. 0ffensive and that thousands of families 
are in bad need of assistance.

Convoys carrying food, water, medicine and blankets and other supplies were 
reported moving around Fallujah, however, there is still no running water 
or electricity.

The Red Crescent said that 60 people came out to get assistance in one 
street alone.

Dr. Said Haqi, Red Crescent president, said that the organisation has set 
up an office close to the city centre.

Dr. Haqi told reporters that one man in his mid-50s approached them after 
staying in his house for the past month - depending solely on water and sugar.

UN information network Irin reported that spokesman Muhammad al-Nuri said 
the Red Crescent estimated that more than 6,000 people may have died in 
Fallujah offensive.

According to Al Nuri, moving around the city was very difficult as a result 
of the huge number of dead bodies scattered everywhere.

"Bodies can be seen everywhere and people were crying when receiving the 
food parcels. It is very sad, it is a human disaster," Mr. Nuri said.

However, no outbreaks of disease have been reported but the destruction is 
widespread, reports say.

Dr. Said expects that the ran away residents of Fallujah wont be able to 
return to the city before two months.

U.S. and Iraqi forces launched a major offensive on the Iraqi city of 
Fallujah nearly three weeks ago, but massive aerial bombardments of the 
city took place for weeks before that.

On Wednesday the Turkish Red Crescent reported that it has sent an aid 
convoy to Fallujah.

''U.S. forces has launched a military operation in Fallujah. The city has 
become the scene of a human disaster'', Red Crescent Deputy Director 
General Bulent Ay said on Wednesday.

''The aid which includes 200 tents, 1,000 blankets, 500 pillows, foodstuff, 
drinking water, medicine and soaps will be handed over to Iraqi Red 
Crescent officials at the Habur Border crossing,'' Ay added.

Other developments

Meanwhile, two U.S. marines were killed in Fallujah, where and U.S. and 
Iraqi troops still encounter sporadic resistance after the deadly assault, 
the U.S. military said.

"Two marines were killed on November 25 in Fallujah during clearing and 
sweeping operations," a spokesman said.

The major U.S.-led military operation in Fallujah which broke out on 
November 8, has been winding down over the past few days, however security 
has not been restored yet


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