[News] Haiti: President Aristide leaving Jamaica for South Africa

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Mon May 31 09:06:07 EDT 2004

Statement by

President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
May 30, 2004
Kingston, Jamaica

As my family and I prepare to leave Jamaica for South Africa, I once again 
thank Prime Minister Patterson, the people of Jamaica and the entire 
Caribbean family for hosting us during this very special time. We extend 
this heartfelt appreciation on behalf of the Haitian refugees as well. For 
them too it's a special time.

When have we ever seen a democratically elected president leave his 
rightful place against his will as it happened on February 29, 2004? It's a 
special time. When did we ever see powerful hands set fire to a house then 
prevent the people inside from leaving? It's a special time. Since February 
29, 2004, the level of suffering has dramatically increased in Haiti. While 
on one side thousands are being killed for supporting their elected 
government, on the other side, more than 2,000 people lost their lives 
because of the ecological disaster that we all recently witnessed. We stand 
in solidarity with the residents of Mapou, Fonds Verette, Jimani, and with 
all Haitians and Dominicans directly affected. We express our profound 
condolences to all those who lost a mother, father, husband, wife, child, 
relative or friend in this tragedy. Again, a special thanks to the Jamaican 
government and to all those who have answered the humanitarian call of 
these victims.

Claro, me siento en profunda communión con mis Hermanos y Hermanas de la 
República Dominicana. De nuevo, un abrazo fraternal a todas las víctimas 
mientras buscamos como seguir expresando esa solidaridad, dado que Haiti y 
la República Dominicana son dos alas del mismo pájaro.

As we prepare this return to the mother continent, we thank President 
Mbeki, the people of South Africa, the Member Nations of the Organization 
of African Union. After two visits to South Africa, it will now be our 
temporary home until we are back in Haiti. Of course the Haitian situation 
must be normalized; peace must be restored through democratic order. The 
solidarity shared by South Africa, CARICOM and the Organization of African 
Union to promote peace and democracy in Haiti crystallizes the world-wide 
African unity that will continue to flourish.

Wherever we are, always united, we will continue to promote peace. This, 
more than ever, is what the world needs today. We must all work for peace, 
not war. We must all work for a better life in a world where four-fifths of 
the population consumes only one-fifth of the world's resources. And we 
must all work for the full respect of this democratic principle: one person 
one vote. Peace is linked to freedom. May the spirit of our 200 years of 
independence guide us in this special time.


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