[News] Haiti: "Lock Sister Anne up in prison and she will feed the prisoners."

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Tue May 25 11:12:38 EDT 2004

"Lock Sister Anne up in prison and she will feed the prisoners."

by Haiti information Project

May 24, 2004

Port-au-Prince - While on the outside the US Marines are trying to turn 
Haiti into a prison. 
<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/../about/SoAnne.html>Lavalas leader­Sò 
Anne­is using her time to organize inside the Penitentiary...

Annette Auguste has been imprisoned for her political beliefs since her 
home was <http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/5_12_4.html>violently invaded 
by U.S. Marines on May 10th. The U.S. government has done everything it can 
to insure she remains a prisoner of conscience including accusing her of 
having contact with Haitian muslims and planning to attack U.S. Marines.

This unilateral invasion of a respected peaceful activist for Lavalas was 
so outrageous that U.S. Congesswoman Maxine Waters wrote these 
<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/../mw5_21_4.html>two letters to 
Secretary Colin Powell in protest to the arrest of Sò Anne.

It is hard to understand why the U.S. government considers Auguste so 
dangerous when you see her sitting in her jail cell receiving visits from 
the poor who have come to revere her. They come in droves and just want to 
spend a little time talking with her to make sure she is alright and bring 
small gifts of food. It is perhaps easier to understand why the Bush 
administration considers her to be a "risk to stability and security in 
Haiti" when you see the assistance and help she gives to other prisoners 
who are less fortunate to have her popularity and reputation. It is 
reported that she was transferred from the National Penitentiary a week ago 
because her jailers were concerned with her growing influence because of 
her helping to give small amounts of money to free some wrongfully 
incarcerated while generously sharing her gifts of food from admirers and 
family with other less fortunate prisoners. Since then, they have 
transferred her to a smaller prison in Petion-Ville but to the angst of the 
U.S. and their puppets in the judicial system, she continues to gain in 
popularity as she refuses to stop organizing and helping others from within 
her concrete and bare jail cell.

This is a salute to Auguste who is an indomitable prisoner of conscience 
who will never stop her work on behalf of the poor even from behind prison 

Emergency Action Alert

<http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/../hac5_11_4.html>Demand the immediate 
of Anne Auguste (So Anne)

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