[News] Frank 'Big Black' Smith very ill and need support

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed May 19 12:01:14 EDT 2004

Dear Friends,

I want to bring you up to date on the condition of Frank 'Big Black' Smith. 
Black was one of the leaders of the Attica Rebellion in 1971. He has been a 
tireless fighter for many, many years. Black exposed the assassination and 
torture of the Attica prisoners by the cops in the retaking of the prison. 
He, himself, knows all too well as one who was singled out and tortured for 
several days by prison guards. His detailed testimony is one of the most 
significant in our archives and was part of our documentary in tribute to 
the Attica Rebellion "Prisons on Fire."

Black has been very ill of late.

He has metastatic kidney cancer that re-appeared in his lungs and 
brain.  He had a successful brain operation but did not respond to any of 
the treatments for the lesions in his lungs.  His prognosis is very poor.

Needless to say this is very saddening.  We are trying to raise funds right 
away.  He is very weak and needs daily physical therapy but his insurance 
allotment ran out.  In addition, he has other major medical bills.

Black is very stressed about money and we are hoping that people can help 
in recognition of the significant contributions he has made  all these 
years. He deserves to live his last days in peace.

Any donations will make a difference!
They can be sent to:

Laura Stevens
2201 Ward Street
Berkeley, CA  94705

Please note 'Frank Smith' on your check.

Thanks in advance!

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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