[News] Malcolm X Jazz Fest this Saturday!

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Mon May 17 15:23:18 EDT 2004

CONTACT: EastSide Arts Alliance
510-533-6629 ­ elenas at mindspring.com

"Return to the Source, Serve the People"

EastSide Arts Alliance presents
The 5th Annual
Saturday, May 22, 2004
11am - 7pm
at San Antonio Park
Foothill Blvd. & 18th Ave., Oakland

Artists featured this year are:
Bobi Céspedes
Avotcja & Modupue
Eddie Gale & the NOW Band
Marcel Diallo¹s Black New World featuring
India Cook, Kele Nitoto & Ric Alexander
Ahsabi Monique featuring Raw Silk
Traci Bartlow & Dancers
Project Reconnect
The Black Resurgents Reunion

This year we will also celebrate the lives of two pioneers in the arts of 
the African Diaspora MALONGA CASQUELOURD and EDSEL MATTHEWS with a special 
New Orleans style jazz 2nd line procession led by Tacuma King.

As part of an overall community building strategy in the Lower San Antonio 
district of central east Oakland, EastSide Arts Alliance is proud to 
present the 5th Annual Malcolm X JazzArts Festival.  This is an all day 
free community festival designed to bring together the residents of this 
underserved neighborhood in the spirit of community empowerment and 
celebration.  The lower San Antonio district is the one of the most diverse 
in the nation ­ with a mostly working class population of South East Asian, 
Chicano/Latino, African American, Asian Pacific Islander and Native 
American living side by side.  To counter prevalent divide and conquer 
techniques used to separate communities of color EastSide Arts Alliance 
works to recognize and celebrate culture and national pride. We understand 
the role of culture in defining our histories and struggles and we use 
culture as a tool to find common ground and forge alliances with our 
neighbors.  This year¹s theme ­ "Return to the Source, Serve the People" 
reminds us of the work that each of must do in our own communities to 
strengthen, demand justice and build our own institutions.  We each must 
continue to work in our communities, in the spirit of the Black Panthers 
and of Malcolm X, meeting the needs of our communities while at the same 
time understanding the systemic forces that work against us and developing 
effective strategies to move forward.

" If this is the land of the free, then give us some freedom. If this is 
the land of justice, then give us some justice. And if this is the land of 
equality, give us equality." Malcolm's words remain relevant today.

In this spirit we shout out to our neighbors to join us in this annual 
tradition and to work with us to build a cultural center in the San Antonio 
community that will allow us to continue this work throughout the year.

We really need volunteers on the day of the festival.  There are many ways 
you can help and still have a great time enjoying the music, food, crafts 
and info.  If you are interested in finding out more please email Kimberly 
Ganade at kganade at stuartfoundation.org

Stop by and visit: Wednesday- Friday 1-5pm 2587 International Blvd, Oakland
Check out our website: eastsideartsalliance.com
Write us: PO Box 17008, Oakland, CA  94601
Phone us: 510-533-6629

ESAA is a non-profit organization, donations are welcome
and appreciated and tax deductible.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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