[News] Land of the Free?

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Thu May 13 18:34:08 EDT 2004

Incarceration rates in George W. Bush's America and Stalin's U.S.S.R.

U.S.S.R. (1950)........... 1,423 per 100,000
U.S.A (2002).............. 2,298 per 100,000

Incarceration rate of black men in South Africa before ANC rule and in
contemporary America

South Africa (1993)......... 851 per 100,000
U.S.A. (2002)............. 7,150 per 100,000

(Sources: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison Policy Initiative, "The
International Use of Incarceration" by Marc Mauer, The Sentencing Project).
via This Magazine, in the Utne Reader.

"We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected
as a human being, to be given the right of a human being in this society,
on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by
any means necessary."

-Malcolm X

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