[News] McKinney Announces for Reelection to Congress

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Mon Mar 29 11:45:47 EST 2004

For Immediate Release                For More Information Contact:
March 27, 2004                            Press at cynthiaforcongress.com
Decatur, GA

      Cynthia McKinney Announces Bid For Reelection to Congressional Seat

"George Bush has given us answers that don't answer, explanations that 
don't explain, and conclusions that don't conclude."

Decatur, GA - Today Cynthia McKinney Announced her bid to retake the 4th 
Congressional District seat now held by Denise Majette and released the 
following statement.

"Four years ago, candidate Bush made promises to the American people that 
he has failed to keep.  This jobs Presidency has lost jobs at a record 
pace; the Leave-No-Child Behind Presidency has failed to put our children 
first; and this fiscal conservative has presided over record national debt.

"This week, in explosive but sad testimony, the world watched as this 
country's top counterterrorism advisor Richard Clarke, in public and under 
oath, apologized to the American people for having failed them on September 
11th.  Richard Clarke said, 'Your government failed you.  Those entrusted 
with protecting you failed you.  And I failed you.'  I would like to 
commend Richard Clarke for speaking truth to power.  But sadly, Mr. Clarke 
will now see how virulent the Republican smear machine can be.  I know.  It 
was unleashed on me.

"Two years ago I asked, 'What did the Bush Administration know, and when 
did it know it, about the events of September 11th?'  Today, the Bush 
Administration continues its refusal to tell the American people how it was 
that all fail safe mechanisms and standard operating procedures failed to 
operate for the four separate hijackings that took place on that single 
day.  Furthermore, the American people only have assurances from the Bush 
Administration that the measures put in place since September 11th will 
actually protect us from another such tragedy.

"But now, we are painfully aware that we cannot trust the assurances coming 
from the Bush Administration.

"Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, appearing before the 9-11 
Commission, in trying to explain how September 11th happened stated, 'I 
just don't think we had the imagination required to consider a tragedy of 
this magnitude.'

"If we accept this as an official explanation from the Bush Administration 
on how September 11th happened, then it is painfully clear that it is time 
for the George W. Bush presidency to end.

"Instead, the Bush-Cheney campaign has already begun its reelection efforts 
using images of the September 11th tragedy.  New York City's firemen have 
complained; the families of the victims have complained.  And incredibly, 
the American people will have to endure the spectacle of the Republican 
Party Convention being held in New York City, just minutes from the Sacred 
Ground of Ground Zero.

"It is clear that the Bush Administration would rather posture publicly on 
friendly media than face the American people in public and under oath at 
the Commission.

"Furthermore, our children are fighting and dying in Iraq on George Bush's 
worthless assurances; it's time to bring them home now.

"Two years ago Republican Party votes attempted to silence the voice of 
Georgia's Fourth Congressional District.  They may have changed the face, 
but they didn't change the fact that the Democrats of the 4th Congressional 
District will not allow Republicans to select their representatives.

"While in Congress, I authored legislation to deny a tax break to companies 
who move their plants overseas.  I voted to support the Clinton budget 
surpluses.  And I tried to stop the pernicious effects of globalization on 
America's working families.

"I continued to point out that America must speed up equal access to the 
American dream and that waiting 1,664 years (according to the State of the 
Dream Report, 2004 produced by United For A Fair Economy) to close the home 
ownership gap between America's black and white families is too long for 
America to wait.  And, I never stopped speaking out on human rights issues 
at home and abroad.

"I will resume the fight for economic development in the Fourth District, 
focusing on technical assistance so our businesses can grow and succeed.

"I will continue to tackle the problems of foreclosures and landfills.

"I will work to reignite debate on the issue of comprehensive medical 
insurance coverage for all.

"I will resume work on transportation alternatives that will unclog our 
streets and decrease pollution in the air that we breathe.

"I will work with the District's school systems to help them acquire the 
best teachers possible so that we never leave any children behind in 

"And I will resume work to celebrate the rich diversity of the 4th 
Congressional District and to protect the right of all Americans to live 
rich and full lives, free from discrimination.

"And finally, I will continue to be a voice for justice and peace at home 
and abroad.  Since I have been out of office, I have seen more than what 
was done to me; I have seen what was done to the people.  George Bush has 
given us answers that don't answer, explanations that don't explain, and 
conclusions that don't conclude.

I am pleased to launch this bid to invigorate the public debate and help 
get more power to the people.


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