[News] Haiti Update: AHP News

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Wed Mar 24 17:06:36 EST 2004

AHP News - March 22, 2004 - English translation (Unofficial)


Fanmi Lavalas denounces a campaign of systematic repression orchestrated 
against its supporters in several regions of the country

Port-au-Prince, March 22, 2004 -(AHP)- The Fanmi Lavalas Political 
Organization spoke out Monday against what it termed a campaign of 
systematic repression orchestrated against its supporters in several 
regions of the country, particularly in the vicinity of Cap-Haïtien, in the 
Artibonite region, in Trou du Nord and in the Central Plateau.

In a news release copied to AHP,  Fanmi Lavalas spokesperson Gilvert 
Angervil  indicated that many supporters of the party have been killed, 
déchoukés (a Kreyol term for "uprooted", often with violence) or reported 

This is a campaign, he asserted, aimed at dismantling Fanmi Lavalas to the 
benefit of the parties belonging to what was until recently the opposition 
political Platform.

He expressed hope that measures will be adopted to put an end to the 
persecution and violence carried out against Fanmi Lavalas activists.

Mr. Angerville also criticized the manner in which the new government team 
of Gérard Latortue was put together.

According to the former Deputy from La Gonave, this government was formed 
in violation of the constitution, as well as the proposal for resolving the 
crisis proposed by CARICOM which foresaw, he said, the formation of a 
government of national unity.

Fanmi Lavalas, which has become the opposition ever since the overthrow of 
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, pointed out that the formula for putting 
in place this government can not in any way reassure party supporters who 
are the object of extremely serious persecution. Nor can it lead to peace 
and national reconciliation, said Gilvert Angervil.

Several other officials of the Fanmi Lavalas Party also denounced this 
Monday the recent calls for violence issued against members of the party.

In particular they denounced individuals who have publicly urged that 
people tie up Fanmi Lavalas supporters with hoops wherever they are to be 

Three men were discovered dead and tied up with barrel hoops this Monday at 
Fronts Forts Street.

At least ten corpses were also discovered at Cité Militaire.

AHP March 22, 2004 11:45 AM

A professor who is a member of Fanmi Lavalas denounces the continuation of 
abuses against party supporters in the north of the country

Port-au-Prince, March 22, 2004 -(AHP)-  Lorgeat Claude, a young professor 
who belongs to Fanmi Lavalas, criticized Monday the physical abuses he 
suffered at the hands of members of the Army of the North, who abducted 
him, he said, during the night of March 12.

In an interview with AHP, Lorgeat Claude explained that these men, who were 
hooded and wearing camouflage clothing, had fired rounds of machine-gun 
fire at his home in Barrière Bouteille, at the entrance to the city of 
Cap-Haitien, before kidnapping him and taking him to a torture center set 
up in a customs hall in the city.

He stated that his abductors were angry about his political affiliation and 
accused him of possessing illegal weapons.

Lorgeat Claude said he was released several hours after his abduction and 
denied that he possessed any illegal weapons. "No weapon was found on me at 
the time of my abduction", he added.

Lorgeat Claude has been in hiding since he was released. He said he was 
severely beaten, especially on the face and the hip. He said he still 
suffers from the blows he received.

Mr. Claude also explained that due to this campaign of repression, many 
residents of  Cap-Haitien are starting to leave the city to take refuge 
elsewhere in order to escape the fury of the armed men.

They say they fear for their security despite the deployment in the region 
of French military forces who are co-habiting, they say, with the men of 
the army of the north, who they say remain very active on the ground.

AHP March 22, 2004 11:05 AM


**The U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, James Foley, declared Monday that it is not 
possible to organize elections at this time in Haiti because, he said, the 
country is in ruins. According to the American diplomat, the government 
authorities need to focus on the establishment of a credible electoral 
council in Haiti to prepare for the holding of good elections.

According to several reports that were communicated previously, the team of 
Latortue is to remain in place for two years.

  For such cases, the Haitian constitution requires elections to be held 
within 90 days at the latest, beginning from the date when President 
Aristide departed, February 29, under circumstances which continue to raise 
many questions.

** School activities resumed timidly this Monday in the Haitian capital. 
Several parents remained reticent about sending their children to school in 
light of the problems of insecurity that prevail in the country.

** Armed thugs shot and wounded several people this Monday at the Soge 
X-press located at Monseigneur Guilloux Street during a robbery targeting 
that business. The thugs made off with all the money in the bank's tills.

** An individual was shot dead Sunday night in Gonaïves by armed thugs. The 
incident occurred as the attackers broke through the enclosure of a 
pre-school facility in the city to commit a burglary. The victim is closely 
associated with the owner of the pre-school.

** The Grand-Goâve police commissioner is currently in the custody of men 
armed with firearms and machetes who say they wish to provide security for 
the local population.

The men are led by "Ti Nènè".  He was previously at the head of the armed 
opposition group that took over the  Grand-Goâve police station in early 

The police, assisted by members of the population, had succeeded in 
re-taking control of the police station.

The police station is once again without police officers since the 
departure of  President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

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