[News] HAITI URGENT ACTION: call on Kofi Annan to ensure President Aristide's safety!

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Mar 8 08:34:02 EST 2004

haitiaction at yahoo.com

contact information below

Dear Friends,

As you know, President Aristide was transported by a U.S. plane
from Haiti to the Central African Republic (CAR) on Sunday, along
with his wife Mildred, (who is a lawyer and U.S. citizen). Their
movement and communication remain limited.  The U.S. chose CAR as
Mr. Aristide's destination precisely because it is remote, and
because he has no support network there.  Increasing criticism of
President Aristide by CAR government officials raises serious
concerns about his safety. U.S. State Department official Roger
Noreiga has indicated that President Aristide's safety is no
longer their concern.  Ira Kurzban (President Aristide's counsel)
wrote to Secretary-General Kofi Annan to request the UN provide
assistance to secure President Aristide's full rights.

Please act now to ensure
President Aristide's safety.  Write,
call or fax Secretary-General Annan, asking him to assure respect
for the rights of President Aristide and his family.

Please copy your correspondence to the U.S. State Department.

Secretary General Kofi Annan
United Nations Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th St.
New York, New York 10017

212.753.6241 or 212.963.4879 (fax)
<http://us.f141.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=inquiries@un.org&YY=94924&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b>inquiries at un.org

Copy to:
Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State
202.647.2283 or 202.647.5169 (fax)
U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Powell's e-mail
Additional Contact Numbers:
US State Department - 202-647-5291 or 202-647-7098 (phone)
White House Comment line - 202-456-1111

Please distribute this action alert widely.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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