[News] Yvon Neptune, Haiti's true Prime Minister arrested

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Mon Jun 28 08:30:38 EDT 2004

From:    Erzilidanto at aol.com
Date:    Sun, 27 Jun 2004 19:52:41 EDT


Last week, the Constitutionally appointed Prime Minister of Haiti, Yvon
Neptune, courageously came out of hiding after his initial first
statement demanding an investigation of the Coup D'etat back in early 
March, 2004
and publicly denounced the systemic political repression of the Haitian 
people by
the un-elected Latortue U.S.-backed regime.

This morning, Sunday, June 27, 2004, at 10:00 am, Yvon Neptune, Haiti's
legitimate Prime Minister was arrested by the imported U.S. dictator,
Gerald Latortue.

Meanwhile, the likes of Jean Tatoune and Guy Philippe, who have
murdered countless Haitian civilians, roam Haiti freely, administering 
and being referred to by the un-elected Gerald Latortue, as "freedom 
Meantime, the U.S. authorities in Haiti, along with their imported,
un-elected and truly corrupt and intolerant new regime, continue urging all 
of Haiti's
resisters and true freedom lovers to accept their rule by force and might as a
"fait accompli;" to accept impunity and lawlessness; to remain silent and
accepting as foreign troops and un-elected "Haitian" representatives in Haiti
sanction the manacling of 5-year old Haitian children, jailing of 69-year old
grandmothers; to remain quiet and passive as they totally gut and
destroy the bicentennial commemorations, foster an unparalleled climate of 
fear and insecurity
in Haiti; fleece Haitian laborers; to remain quiet as Latortue and Gousse
jail countless Haitian civilians with no legal warrants against them, as in
the case of the ever honorable Minister Yvon Neptune.

Doing his legal tenure, President Aristide was constantly being accused
of human rights violations by people with suspect agendas such as the
Jesee Helms/Roger Noreiga State Department within the U.S. government and
their Haitian technocrats, funded business elites, by bitter ex-Lavalas 
death squad mercenaries, bitter disbanded army and FRAPH paramilitaries 

Now these fascists are in power in Haiti and the human and civil rights
debacle they had accused the People government about, is no longer 
It's real. Thousands upon thousands more Haitians have died in the last few 
and millions upon millions have been subjected to systemic, state-sponsored
political repression and arrests under this illegal, US-backed regime
and their murderous death squads and illegitimate police than under all the
People's elected governments of the past ten years.

The Haitian Lawyers Leadership strongly denounces the continued
political repression of the masses of Haiti's peoples. For, despite the 
lies the
mainstream media has propagated, everyone in the know, understands that 
in Haiti is synonymous with "Haitian self-determination" and the Haitian
poor's "people-power", not facists-rule-by-force-chimere-power.

Rule by the gun and bullet and by terror, arbitrary, capricious and
mostly warrant-less jailings, are, as these last unendurable months in Haitian
life have clearly proven, the realms of Latortue, Gousse, the
former-opposition, Jean Tatoune, DEA-suspected drug dealer and convicted
murderer Guy Philippe and traditional un-electable business elites, such as,
sweatshop kingpin, Andre Apaid, Jr.

The Haitian Lawyers Leadership denounces the repression of Lavalas
supporters by the business elites, their death squads, re-constituted army
officers and, as supported and tolerated by U.S. regime-change 
policymakers, NCHR and
the Haiti Democracy Project. We call on freedom loving people worldwide to
denounce this new arrest and especially appeal to U.S. Congress members, the
Black Caucus, CARICOM, the African Union and the OAS to continue to push to
investigate these arrests, these systemic and state-supported human rights
violations in Haiti and the Coup D'etat's continued repercussions, 
especially as
evidenced today by the arrest of Yvon Neptune for doing his job as the Prime
Minister of the then free Republic of Haiti in February before the Coup 
D'etat and
foreign occupation.

We urge everyone from the Network to contact their representatives, the
U.N. and Ambassador Foley to denounce the arrest of the only legitimate
Prime Minister of Haiti and to demand the immediate release of all political
prisoners as well as for the U.S. to stop supporting death squad leaders and
un-elected Prime Ministers. We also ask that everyone write to their local and
national media 
<http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/>http://capwiz.com/wa/dbq/media/   or 

about the political persecution and arrest of Yvon Neptune and the
continued political repression and silencing of the true Haitian freedom 
and democracy supporters in Haiti.

When you write to the media, U.S. Congress, CARICOM and the OAS, give
the example of the arrest of Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, So Ann, the
illegal home invasion/arrest at the home of the Mayor of Milo; the illegal
disbanding and killings during the May 18, 2004 demonstration; the 3,000 
killed by the death squads in their head long run to rule Haiti by the gun; 
inestimable property destruction; countless internal refugees in hiding for 
fear of
the sort of arrest we see with this Yvon Neptune persecution. Urge that
CARICOM stand firm in not recognizing the Latortue government and in 
these grave, illegal and unconscionable attempts to re-enslave the Haitian
public through dictatorship.

Urge that OAS begin its investigation of the massacre of Haiti's
democracy by a tiny, un-electable opposition along with their well-armed 
forces and death squads now ruling Haiti and imprisoning any and all peaceful
resisters and the Haitian people's duly authorized defenders of Haitian

Marguerite Laurent
Haitian Lawyer's Leadership Network
Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership

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