[News] Cheney & Rumsfeld Linked Murder of CIA Scientist

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Fri Jun 25 11:31:50 EDT 2004

<mailto:>Newly Discovered Documents Link Cheney & Rumsfeld to Cover-up of 
Murder of CIA Scientist


Frank Olson

Simon Wollers

Radio Havana Cuba

An article by Irish journalist Gordon Thomas ties in the Vice President and 
Defense Secretary of the United States to a cover-up of the murder of a CIA 

Documents recently discovered in the Gerald Ford Library indicate that Dick 
Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld attempted a cover-up of the murder of Frank 
Olson who was thrown from a New York hotel window in 1953 after he had 
threatened to reveal the CIA involvement in post-war Germany experiments.

Frank Olson was given a mixture of LSD and other drugs and then pushed out 
of the hotel window to make it look as if he had jumped under the influence 
of mind-altering drugs. The details of his death came out during a 1975 
investigation into the CIA’s activities. In a clear admission of guilt, 
Olson’s family received a total of $750,000 to settle their claims against 
the US government in 1976. But, says Olson’s son, Eric, the cover-up continued.

At the time of the investigation into Olson’s death, Rumsfeld was White 
House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford and Dick Cheney was a senior 
White House assistant to the President. Both had advised Ford that a deeper 
probe into Olson’s death would risk revealing state secrets, including, say 
some, the use by the US of germ warfare in Korea.

Olson discovered that viruses he had been developing for the CIA were being 
tested on human prisoners in Germany. When in 1953, Olson witnessed the 
victims of his work in biological warfare – men dying in agony in a CIA 
location in Germany – he protested. According to Olson’s son, CIA director 
Allan Welsh Dulles then decided that his father had to be removed.

Eric Olson’s own investigation into the death of his father has, he says, 
been blocked every step of the way by Cheney and Rumsfeld and the newly 
discovered documents prove it. It appears that Cheney and Rumsfeld were 
given the task of covering up the details of Frank Olson's death.

“The documents remind us why blind trust in any government official or 
agency is a bad idea,” says Eric Olson. “The cover-up of torture in Iraq 
today has its roots in a different time - but it's the same culture of 
cover-up. That cover-up ultimately led to the murder of my father.”

Rumsfeld and Cheney, who have never been questioned about what they know of 
Olson’s death, have both declined to comment on the new information 
unearthed by the documents.

For more information: 

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