[News] Israeli occupation forces invade Al Walajeh Village

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 3 09:05:00 EDT 2004

3 June 2004


Tel Al Sultan Elementary,


southern Gaza Strip,

1 June 2004.

photo courtesy of:

Mohammed Omar

Fadi Abu Sada for PNN
Israeli occupation forces invaded Al Walajeh Village southwest of Bethlehem 
City, and took three people to unknown locations. Those are 48 year old 
Adnan Atrash, 41 year old Hussein Atrash, and 33 year old Nidal Joudeh. 
This attack against the village next to the Cremisan Winery comes in order 
to continue forcing people to leave Al Walajeh Village. The Israelis have 
made it known they want to take it for themselves as they continue their 
complete take-over of the Jerusalem area.

Israeli occupation forces invaded also Bethlehem City this morning around 2 
am, and took eight Palestinians to unknown locations. Most of them are 
members of the Islamic Jihad political party.

At least 20 jeeps invaded the city, mainly around three neighborhoods, 
including Al Fawaghreh, Al Maslakh and Al Obayyat. The Israelis besieged 
several houses and broke into them. The disappeared members of the Islamic 
Jihad political party are 17 year old Samer Odwan, 19 year old Ibrahim 
Jobran, 24 year old Sami Kan'an, 24 year old Khader Addalou, and 24 year 
old Mahmoud Jaber. Israeli soldiers stole personal things from the men, 
such as computers, and according to eyewitnesses, beat the men severely. 
They were covered in blood before being taken away.

Muath Shrideh for PNN

Israeli soldiers took eight Palestinians from Nablus to unknown locations 
this morning. Israeli sources said that three of them, Mohammad Nabulsi 
from Al Aqsa Brigades, and brothers Sulatan and Farid Tashtoush have long 
been "wanted."

Tashtoush's sister told PNN that Israeli occupation forces besieged Al 
Aloul Building in the Nablus City Center, and were shooting randomly at 
everything. Tens of soldiers broke into the house, and took the brothers 
and also the computers.

The other five people taken are from Balata Refugee Camp in eastern Nablus 
City. The Israeli military invaded with 20 jeeps, broke into many houses, 
and said they were searching for members of the resistance.

Israeli occupation besieged Nablus today, preventing anyone from going in 
or out of the city. Soldiers are also on main roads and side roads, all 
routes that people use to try to avoid checkpoints and imprisonment in 
their own cities.

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