[News] Democrats remove Aljazeera banner

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Tue Jul 27 08:56:24 EDT 2004

Democrats remove Aljazeera banner

Monday 26 July 2004 - Agencies via Al Jazeera


Organisers at the Democratic Party convention in United States have
removed Aljazeera's logotype banner from its skybox without assigning

Aljazeera's skybox is one of the several that media organisations use as
broadcast booths to cover the upcoming convention in Boston to confirm
John Kerry's nomination as George Bush's presidential challenger in

"We found that the banner disappeared for some reason," Aljazeera's
Washington bureau chief Hafiz al-Mirazi said.

Vague reason

"We contacted the Democratic National Convention and the people who are
organising the convention. And then they said it has been removed, maybe
for lack of enough space or something like that, although they approved
originally the sign and everything on it. And every time we get different

"And finally, they said, 'Sorry, we cannot put it back." And it's the only
news organisation sign that was taken," al-Mirazi pointed out.

A convention spokeswoman said Aljazeera was not a special case.

"Our first priority is putting a convention on, not advertising for the
media," Peggy Wilhide said.

In place of Aljazeera's logotype will be a banner reading "Strong for

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