[News] Report of the Haiti Accompaniment Project

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jul 26 16:18:23 EDT 2004

This report is a must read for those wanting to read a more detailed and 
analytical review of post coup events in Haiti. For ongoing and up-to-date 
information check: http://www.haitiaction.net/

You can receive a lengthy copy pasted into an email by responding with a 


Report of the Haiti Accompaniment Project
June 29-July 9, 2004

Written by Laura Flynn, Robert Roth and Leslie Fleming
 From June 29 to July 9, the Haiti Accompaniment Project sent a delegation 
to Haiti to investigate the current human rights situation and to assess 
the needs and practical possibilities for accompaniment of Haitian 
grassroots organizations by international solidarity workers.  Our trip 
coincided with a new wave of repression by the de facto Haitian authorities 
against supporters of the elected government of President Jean-Bertrand 
Aristide and the Fanmi Lavalas Party.

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