[News] Jericho Amnesty Movement Launches Drive for AIDS Orphans in Africa

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Wed Feb 25 08:36:05 EST 2004

By Herman Ferguson and Efia Nwangaza, National Co-Chairs
The Jericho Movement for Amnesty & Freedom for All Political Prisoners in 
the U.S.

Greenville, SC---Over the past Christmas/Kwanzaa holidays, U.S. political 
prisoners and prisoners of war (pp/pows) and their allies across the United 
States pledged to rebuild The Jericho Movement and endorsed the "U.S. 
Political Prisoners' Education Support Campaign for AIDS Orphans in 
Afrika." The Campaign, announced at the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee's 
8th Annual Political Prisoners' Family Members Dinner and Program, will be 
coordinated by The Jericho Movement. The Jericho Movement was founded in 
1996 as an organization commited to winning recognition and amnesty for a 
wide range of political prisoners and prisoners of war in the united states 
including New Afrikan, Native American, Chicano, Puerto Rican and european 
anti-imperialist freedom fighters. It was jointly sponsored by the 
Provisional Government of The Republic of New Afrika (PGRNA) and the New 
Afrikan Liberation Front (NALF).

The idea for the U.S. Political Prisoners' Education Support Campaign for 
AIDS Orphans in Africa originated with political prisoner Jalil Muntaquim 
and endorsed by political prisoners from all over the country. It is a year 
long initiative to raise funds to buy and collect school supplies and 
materials for Sub-Saharan AIDS orphans and increase AIDS awareness among 
Blacks in the u.s. The school supplies will be distributed by The Jericho 
Movement in conjunction with former u.s. political prisoners and 
organizations serving AIDS orphans. Imprinted pencils, " A Gift of The 
Jericho Movement to Free U.S. Political Prisoners," are the project's 
touchstone. The Campaign will culminate in the announcement of the selected 
recipient organizations during the memorial Safiya Bukhari Human Rights 
Weekend, in New York, December, 2004.

"Although we languish in prison, and we may be caught up in our individual 
cases, in our hearts we know there is something more we can and should be 
doing in the service of oppressed peoples. There is one principle edict we 
should never negate, which is that our struggle and movement is based on 
'from the masses to the masses'," admonished political prisoner, former 
Black Panther and author, Jalil A. Muntaquim in an open letter. The letter 
which followed his meet and greet planning session with The Jericho 
Movement's national co-chairs, Herman Ferguson and Efia Nwangaza, was a 
step toward organizing The Campaign.

The call is a timely response to u.s. political prisoners' longtime 
recognition of the AIDS/HIV pandemic's impact in u.s. prisons and Afrika. 
Some sounded the alarm long before the corporate media and politicians. In 
a November, 1993 book review published in DT 14, political prisoner, AIDS 
educator and Campaign endorser, David Gilbert, noted that "over 2 million 
Afrikan children [had] already been orphaned [by AIDS]." Prisoner/Health 
activist, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, and former political prisoner and certified 
AIDS/HIV awareness educator, Jahid Almant, have offered their full support, 
networks, and suggestions. Other early endorsers include Abdul Majid, 
Veronza Bowers, Ali Khalid Abdullah, Zola Agona Azania, Albert Woodfox and 
National Coaliton to Free the Angola 3, Seth O'dinga Olugbala Hayes, 
Russell Maroon Shoats, Ojore N. Lutalo, Mondo Langa. Along with 
suggestions, Marilyn Buck wrote," I am glad to think that we, political 
prisoners, will collectively begin to engage in the AIDS solidarity work." 
Enthusiastic letters of support and endorsement from our locked down 
comrades arrive daily.

Herman Ferguson, longstanding organizer and former political prisoner, 
points out that the political prisoners' ready response should not surprise 
anyone. He notes that "despite excessive sentences, parole denials, and 
harsh conditions, many of today's political prisoners have continued the 
humanitarian work they began as youth in the Survival Programs of the Black 
Panther Party decades ago. U.S. communities, both behind the walls and in 
the streets, benefit from their continued service." "This project," Baba 
Ferguson adds, "is simply expanding their reach. It will assist AIDS 
orphans in Sub-Sahara Afrika; those children whose parents have died of 
AIDS and related illnesses. These children number in the millions." "If 
they are to be saved and have a future, they must have the academic tools 
necessary to prepare for and safeguard that future, " says Brother Muntaqim.

Efia Nwangaza, long time human rights activist organizer attorney, notes 
that The Education Support Campaign for AIDS Orphans in Afrika continues 
the legacy of our imprisoned freedom fighters. In 1968, FBI Director J. 
Edgar Hoover, through the "Counter Intelligence Program" (COINTELPRO), 
unleashed the machinery of the federal government, with the assistance of 
local police departments, to eliminate the Black Panther Party, the Black 
Liberation Army (BLA) and the RNA and other community based organizations 
and criminalize their membership.

Indeed, in addition to rebuilding The Jericho Movement, the "U.S. Political 
Prisoners Education Campaign for AIDS Orphans in Africa," will allow us to 
join our stalwart warriors and lift up their legacy of struggle as they 
take the lead in stepping into the international movement to address this 
humanitarian crisis. In joining them, our standard bearers, we elevate 
ourselves and dignify our struggle. The u.s. claims its casualties on the 
field, will we do less?

We call on youth, grade school and college students and activists, faith 
communities, social and political groups, progressive and human rights 
activists/organizations, cultural workers and performers, and international 
supporters to become involved. Help of all kinds is needed; fundraising, 
literature and materials development, logistics, research and website 
building and maintenance to name the most immediate.

Individuals and organizations wishing to co-sponsor, endorse or contribute* 
to this campaign are asked to immediately contact Baba Herman Ferguson 
(<mailto:hbfjericho at aol.com>hbfjericho at aol.com) and Sis. Efia Nwangaza 
(<mailto:enjericho at aol.com>enjericho at aol.com), Jericho Movement National 
Office P.O. Box 340084 Jamaica, New York 11434-3401 718-949-3937

*Make tax deductible checks/money orders payable to "IFCO/Jericho 
Movement". Put Afrika in the memo line.


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