[News] SF demo to support Haiti Feb. 26, 3-5pm

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Fri Feb 20 12:03:27 EST 2004

Haiti Needs Your Help

1. Defend the Democratically-Elected Government of President Aristide!

2. Stop the US Destabilization Campaign against Haiti!

3. End the US Embargo against Haiti!

We’ve seen this one before

Chile 1973 - US-backed coup overthrows popularly elected government: Pres. 
Allende killed.

Haiti 1991 - US-backed coup overthrows popularly elected government: Pres. 
Aristide exiled.

Haiti 2001 - Attempted coup d’etat: A million people loyal to Pres. 
Aristide rise up to stop it!

Venezuela 2003 - US-backed coup d’etat fails: Millions loyal to Pres. 
Chavez rise up to stop it!

Now a new coup d’etat is brewing in Haiti
Who are the ‘rebels’? -- These death squads -- led by veterans of the Ton 
Ton Macoutes terror gangs (from the time of the Duvalier family 
dictatorship) and the CIA-supported FRAPH (from the 1991-94 coup years) -- 
are terrorizing the country, seizing towns and police stations, killing 
people from the popular organizations, vowing to overthrow Aristide by 
force of arms.
Who’s behind it? -- Sweatshop owners and other members of Haiti’s business 
and landowning elite, who fear the "people power" program of President 
Aristide -- and behind them, the United States government, unhappy with 
Aristide’s refusal to toe Washington’s line.
Last year the US shipped tons of weapons to the neighboring Dominican 
Republic, many of which are now turning up in Haiti in the hands of the 
death squads.
For a decade the US has run a destabilization and disinformation campaign 
in Haiti to undermine and demonize the Aristide government -- funneling 
money to opposition groups, financing captive media outlets, "salting" the 
Haitian police with CIA-trained operatives.
Since Aristide’s second overwhelming election victory in 2000 -- angered by 
his policies like doubling of the minimum wage and refusing to privatize 
state enterprises -- the US has enforced an embargo on financial aid to 
Haiti. Once again the US has thrown a roadblock to the fulfillment of 
Aristide’s program

of building a school and health clinic in every community
.clean drinking water
.electric power
.literacy campaigns
.democratic participation at the local level.

This is an outrage! -- On Feb. 13th, 1,000 Haitians and supporters 
demonstrated in New York to say "NO to the ‘death’ coup d’etat" and demand 
"respect for the 5-year mandate of President Aristide
respect for the vote 
of the people
respect for the will of the people." This is no time for us 
to sit quiet.

Come out and show your solidarity with the people of Haiti

Thurs. Feb 26 - 3pm-5pm S.F. Federal Building

[corner Golden Gate Ave. & Polk Street]

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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