[News] Libel damages for former MP Bernadette McAliskey

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 20 08:34:56 EST 2004

Wednesday, 18 February, 2004, 11:23 GMT

Former MP Bernadette McAliskey has been awarded libel damages over a book 
written by Mo Mowlam, the former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. 
Mrs McAliskey also received an apology in the High Court in Belfast in 
settlement of her action against Ms Mowlam and Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 
publishers of her book, Momentum. Barrister Adrian Colton, appearing for 
the publishers, read out an apology which stated that in the first edition 
of the book published in April 2002, the plaintiff, described as 
"Bernadette McAliskey, formerly Bernadette Devlin MP," in conjunction with 
Michael McKevitt, founded the 32 County Sovereignty Committee. Mr Colton 
said in the book's glossary the Committee was described as "the political 
wing of the Real IRA responsible for the Omagh Bomb in August, 1998". The 
apology went on: "Both defendants accept that the plaintiff was not the 
person who founded the 32 County Sovereignty Committee, that the plaintiff 
played no part in the development or launching of this committee, and had 
no connection whatsoever with it, or with the Real IRA, or with the Omagh 
bomb." Mr Colton said the defendants unreservedly apologised for the damage 
caused to Mrs McAliskey by reason of the publication and for the delay in 
resolving the matter. "They have agreed to pay her damages and costs," he 
added. The financial details of the settlement were not disclosed.

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