[News] Haiti update 2/17

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Thu Feb 19 08:53:50 EST 2004

AHP News - February 17, 2004 - English translation (Unofficial)

A lawyer for the victims of the Raboteau massacre says he fears that new 
massacres may take place with the return of FRAPH members alongside the 
opposition coalition

Port-au-Prince, February 17, 2004  -(AHP)- Mario Joseph, attorney for the 
victims of the Raboteau massacre, declared Tuesday that he fears new 
massacres may be carried out in the country with the return of members of 
the former Haitian army and the FRAPH paramilitary corps alongside the 
opposition coalition.

According to Mario Joseph, since the escape from prison of Jean Tatoune, 
who had been tried and sentenced to life imprisonment, those close to the 
victims of the massacre on April 22, 1994 have had to go into hiding.

  Mr. Joseph asserted that the presence in Haiti of former FRAPH leader 
Louis Jodel Chamblain is a foreshadowing of macabre events yet to come in 

Mario Joseph does not rule out the possibility that those he called 
"thirsty for power" might carry out abuses that are even more serious than 
those committed during the period of the coup d'état of 1991.

He called for the mobilization of all Haitians committed to liberty and 
democracy to thwart the maneuvers of the opposition.

In addition, Mario Joseph said he was shocked at the fact that the leaders 
of the opposition coalition sanction the crimes committed by their 
partisans together with the FRAPH members contrary to the interests of the 

There is no doubt that the opposition is behind all the violence that is 
presently rocking the country, attorney Joseph said, adding that this turn 
in policy by the Platform leaves a heavy threat hanging over the future of 
democracy in Haiti.

AHP February 17, 2004  3:50 PM

The United States provides a new gift of one million dollars to the OAS 
Mission in Haiti

Port-au-Prince, February 17, 2004  -(AHP)- The Special Mission of the 
Organization of American States (OAS) in Haiti announced this Tuesday that 
$1 million will be transferred into its account by the United States 
through the intermediary of the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP).

The head of the OAS Special Mission in Haiti, David Lee, said during a news 
conference that this gesture demonstrates the determination of the 
international community to facilitate a positive outcome to the crisis that 
has gripped the country for more than three years.

David Lee explained that this gift by the American government will enable 
the OAS Mission to fulfill its obligations relating to the implementation 
of a plan of action agreed between President Jean Bertrand Aristide and 
CARICOM Heads of States.

It will also contribute, he said, to the reinforcement of the actions of 
the OAS, notably in the areas of security and the professionalization of 
the Haitian National Police.

The U.S. Ambassador in Haiti, James B. Foley, said for his part that this 
transfer of funds demonstrates the determination of his government to 
respond to the appeal launched by the representative of the UNDP in Haiti, 
Adama Guido relating to the opening of a humanitarian corridor.

According to Amb. Foley, it is the obligation of all belligerents to 
respect the opening of such a channel.

The opposition partisans have intensified the violence in Gonaïves through 
the murder of several members of the population and police, and through the 
looting of the main police station and several homes.

"All those who love Haiti should allow the aid to flow to the most 
vulnerable sectors of the population", the American diplomat declared.

For his part, the UNDP representative in Haiti, Adama Guindo, underscored 
that this gift by the U.S. to the OAS Mission in Haiti proves that the U.S. 
supports the efforts made by the international community relating to the 
handling of the Haitian crisis.

Adama Guindo took this opportunity to express his profound concerns 
pertaining to the socio-political situation in the country.

He deplored the violence perpetrated in the hospitals, asking the parties 
to the conflict to respect the rights of the population to have access to 
health care services.

AH February 17, 2004  12:55 PM

The populist sector is mobilized to counter  the joint action of the armed 
partisans of the opposition Platform and the FRAPH, according to Paul Raymond

Port-au-Prince, February 17, 2004  -(AHP)- The leader of the TKL (Catholic 
base community) of Saint Jean Bosco,  Paul Raymond, indicated Thursday that 
the populist sector is mobilized to counter the joint action of armed 
partisans of the opposition and FRAPH that are operating in several regions 
of the country.

However, Paul Raymond said he continues to favor a peaceful solution to the 
crisis, despite, he said, the fact that the opposition has already become 
engaged in an armed struggle against the population.

Paul Raymond asked the population and the grassroots sector in every corner 
of the country to be vigilant night and day to counteract the activities of 
those he labeled terrorists, in order to prevent a new coup d'état in the 

"The opposition Platform has made an alliance with terrorists to 
destabilize the country and reconstitute the former Armed Forces of Haiti 
and the former paramilitary group FRAPH to exterminate the population", 
said Mr. Raymond.

Stating that there is no pride in the opposition's throwing itself blindly 
into the violence in an attempt to take power, the leader of the TKL 
declared that the populist sector and the majority of the population will 
not let itself be eliminated by the terrorists.

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