[News] Haiti Event - Friday, February 6 in Oakland

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Mon Feb 2 08:43:24 EST 2004

The corporate media lies about Haiti as Haitians celebrate their Bicentennial

Join us Friday, February 6

6:30 - 9:00 PM

First Unitarian Church, Oakland

685 14th Street (near 12th Street Bart)

Haiti Celebrates Its Bicentennial:

Hear the report from those who were there -

An Evening with Pierre Labossiere and the Haiti Action Committee

On January 1, 2004, Haiti, the first black republic in the western 
hemisphere, celebrated the 200th anniversary of its independence. Hundreds 
of thousands of Haitians took to the streets to commemorate this historic 
event, as well as to support the democratically elected government of 
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The corporate media ignored this popular 
mobilization, instead focusing on the much smaller opposition demonstrations.

What actually took place in Haiti during the bicentennial? What forces are 
really behind the anti-Aristide opposition? Why are Haitian popular 
organizations warning of the danger of another coup? Why is the truth about 
Haiti hidden from the headlines?

Join us for an evening with Pierre Labossiere, founding member of the Haiti 
Action Committee. Pierre attended the bicentennial activities in both 
Port-au-Prince and Gonaïves and will provide a first-hand account and 
analysis of what is really happening in Haiti.

For more information: (510) 483-7481

Click this link for Event Flyer PDF:


Click this link for event web page:


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