[News] US, Stingy? It's All Relative

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Fri Dec 31 08:56:55 EST 2004

Counterpunch - Dec 29, 2004

Us, Stingy? It's All Relative

By Dave Lindorff

Cost of one F-22 Raptor tactical fighter jet: $225 million

Cost of the ongoing U.S. war in Iraq: $228 million/day

Amount spent by Kerry and Bush campaigns: $400 million

U.S. aid to Yushenko camp in recent Ukrainian conflict: $30+ million

Estimated cost of Bush's Second Inauguration and Ball: $ 40+ million

Amount of U.S. tax cuts under Bush: $1 trillion

Cost of the U.S. Iraq War in 2004: $147 billion

US reconstruction aid budgeted for Iraq (though never spent!): $18 billion

Amount the U.S. initially in aid to Indian Ocean tsunami victims: $10 million

Amount U.S. offered in tsunami aid after being chastised by UN official:
$35 million

[Dave Lindorff is the author of Killing Time: an Investigation into
the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. His new book of CounterPunch
columns titled "This Can't be Happening!" to be published this fall
by Common Courage Press.

Information about both books and other work by Lindorff can be found
at http://www.thiscantbehappening.net .]

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