[News] PFLP has called on supporters to vote for Mustafa al-Barghuti

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Wed Dec 29 08:39:27 EST 2004

PFLP backs independent for polls
Wednesday 29 December 2004 10:21 AM GMT

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called on 
supporters to vote for the independent candidate Mustafa al-Barghuti in 
next month's Palestinian presidential election.

The endorsement, which was announced at a press conference in Gaza City, 
will increase the likelihood of al-Barghuti finishing runner-up to PLO 
chairman Mahmud Abbas in the 9 January poll to succeed the late Yasir 
Arafat as president of the Palestinian Authority.

"We are appealing to our members, cadres and supporters to support the 
candidacy of Mustafa al-Barghuti and vote for him," Rabah Muhanna, a member 
of the leftist organisation's politburo, said.

The PFLP, which boycotted the only previous presidential election in 1996, 
had announced in November that it would participate this time round but 
would not be presenting a candidate.

Al-Barghuti, 51, a democracy and human rights activist, has been running a 
distant second to Abbas who is the candidate of the dominant Fatah faction.

Abbas' path to victory was effectively cleared when the resistance movement 
Hamas announced that it was boycotting the ballot and the jailed intifada 
leader Marwan al-Barghuti (no relation to Mustafa) dropped out of the race.


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