[News] Feds roaming the Crow reservation

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Tue Aug 24 08:38:18 EDT 2004

Please spread this wide and far. Help is needed. Corruption
reigns on the Crow reservation near Billings, Montana. The
people are rebelling against an illegal and corrupt government
which took over in 2000. The corrupt government is violating
civil rights of the people, enacted illegal laws and have thrown
out the Crow Constitution of 1948. While the brave people are
fighting to reinstitute the governing laws, they are facing great
retribution. The people are simply trying to reinstitute the Crow
sovereignty and paying dearly for it. It has been reported that
Federal agents are roaming the reservation as well as the
national guard without any legal basis. This time they are not
even using the excuse of chasing someone who stole cowboy
boots. The government has labeled the people dissidents and
restricted where they can protest. If they approach any
government building they will be arrested. The people's plight
is not known because there has been a media blackout and the
only news coming out is pro government propaganda. The
propaganda has been stretched to accuse the people of carrying
and firing weapons and labeling the dissidents as part of an
AIM takeover. This type of reporting can lead only to
disastrous consequences to people who are doing nothing but
standing up to corruption. If one thinks the "reign of terror"
was something of the past, one need only look to the corruption
on Pine Ridge today, the situation with the Oneidas in New
York, and the events occurring on the Crow Reservation.
Corruption begets corruption. Unless the corrupt are stopped,
we all suffer. These people need our support now before the
situation becomes incendiary. Please actively show your
support by contacting Karmalita Plains Bull at
<mailto:rhema70x70 at netscape.net>rhema70x70 at netscape.net
or 406-208-4278.

In Solidarity,

Barry Bachrach
Attorney for Leonard Peltier

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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