[News] Political Prisoner Veronza Bowers, Jr. Update

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 18 17:15:46 EDT 2004

Dear Friends,
I am writing to update you on events that have transpired since April 7, 
2004. Under federal law an inmate serving a life sentence in a federal 
prison, like Veronza, is entitled to mandatory parole after serving thirty 
years. Veronza served 30 years as of April 7th and yet the U.S. Parole 
Commission unlawfully refused to permit his release as a mandatory parolee. 
The three commissioners, who are political appointees of Bush senior and 
junior, gave no reason for their actions.
We have not been sitting idle at this latest attempt by the Parole 
Commission to deny Veronza his right to parole and you are now in a 
position to actively help out.
Here is a summary of events occurring since that time:
1. Discretionary vs. Mandatory Parole. The two are not the same. Prior to 
serving 30 years, granting or denying parole for Veronza was discretionary 
with the Commission. After 30 years of incarceration, parole is mandatory 
unless prior to the expiration of the 30-year term the Commission makes 
findings based on credible evidence that Veronza has failed to adapt to the 
rules of the prison or is likely to commit crimes if released on parole. No 
such findings were made by the Commission, nor is there any evidence to 
support such findings.

2. Writ of Habeas Corpus. Immediately after April 7th, a Writ of Habeas 
Corpus challenging Veronza's illegal detention was filed in Federal Court. 
To date, all pleadings have been filed and the matter is pending before the 
presiding judge, Hon. William T. Hodges. Judge Hodges is known to be a 
conservative, but fair-minded and principled jurist with many years of 
experience in cases of this sort. We await his decision.

3. Possible Future Hearing Before the Commission. I will refrain from going 
into all of the fine legal points involved in this case. (If you are 
interested in knowing more, please contact me.) Suffice it to say, if the 
Writ is denied, Veronza will have to face yet another hearing before a 
hostile U.S. Parole Commission. Be reminded that although Veronza has the 
highest eligibility rating for discretionary parole and has been 
recommended for parole in the past, the National Parole Commission has 
routinely denied him parole during his 30 years of incarceration.

4. The Legal Defense Team. A new legal defense team has been assembled to 
obtain the earliest possible release for Veronza. Gilda Sherrod-Ali of the 
Capitol Legal Group of Washington, D.C. assisted in the preparation of the 
original writ of habeas corpus. Todd G. Scher, a federal criminal law 
specialist whose offices are located in Miami Beach, is now handling the 
habeas case in Florida. In the event the writ is denied, a hearing on 
Veronza's right to mandatory parole will be held before the U.S. Parole 
Commission. Preparation for this eventuality is already underway by other 
members of the legal defense team including Bryan Gaynor, Don Samson, Ron 
Sinoway and Alan Chasit. Mr. Chasit is a highly-regarded expert in Federal 
Sentencing issues and is personally appalled by the Commission's handling 
of Veronza's case. Bryan and Don, in particular, have devoted an enormous 
amount of time and effort pro bono (i.e. free) on Veronza's behalf. Some 
members of the legal defense team are volunteering their services while 
others are being paid by the Veronza Bowers Legal Defense Fund we have 
established for that purpose.

5. Jerico Program. Eifa Nwangaza, vice-chairperson of the Jericho: an 
Amnesty Movement for Political Prisoners will be visiting Veronza shortly 
to discuss how her organization can lend its expertise and support to end 
his illegal detention. The Veronza Bowers Legal Defense Fund is providing 
funding for Ms. Nwangaza efforts.

6. Bail Petition. On the recommendation of his defense team, Veronza has 
petitioned the federal court in Ocala to be released on bail while his 
habeas proceeding is pending. Any of you who have had personal dealings 
with Veronza can help by writing letters to the court on his behalf. A 
sample letter and details about the bond hearing can be downloaded from 
http://veronza.org/BailBond.html  Paulette D'Auteuil is coordinating this 
effort and can be reached at 718-220-6004 
<<mailto:adragonlady at earthlink.net>adragonlady at earthlink.net> if you need 
more information.


1. Web Site. I have significantly reworked Veronza's web site to bring it 
up to date since April 7th. There is a consensus of opinion that now, if 
ever, is the time to "go public" with this travesty of justice. Now is the 
time to get the word out. Please refer people to Veronza's web site at:
2. Public Involvement. At this juncture, it seems quite clear the U.S. 
Parole Commission, Bureau of Prisons, courts and other agencies of the 
Prison-Industrial Complex will arbitrarily ignore their own rules and 
federal law governing Veronza's right to mandatory parole unless there is 
significant involvement and overview by those members of the public who are 
concerned about his rights. For this reason we strongly encourage your 
continued involvement is all aspects of these proceedings by visiting the 
web site, sending letters of support to Veronza directly and to his 
attorney in connection with the pending bail hearing.

3. Veronica Conway. Veronica is Veronza's daughter who was waiting at the 
prison gates on April 7th when the U.S. Parole Commission sent notice that 
he was not to be released on his mandatory parole date. Presently, her work 
is focused on alerting members of the progressive, black and human rights 
communities about her father's situation so their support can be solicited. 
She believes, as do we, that there are significant political as well as 
legal issues to this case. If you have any ideas along these lines, please 
get back to us.


1. Recent Activities. As usual, I am very hesitant to appeal for more 
donations from those of you who receive this message. You have been 
incredibly generous and gracious in your support of Veronza over the years. 
In addition to paying expense of two of our attorneys, Alan Chasit and Eifa 
Nwangaza, the Defense Fund has incurred some significant costs flying 
family members to Florida around the time of Veronza's anticipated release 
on April 7th. The Fund has also helped pay for his certification as a 
massage therapist in the hope that he can eventually find employment in 
this field. As usual, Maynard "Garf" Garfield has done a fantastic job in 
administering the Fund in a judicious and evenhanded manner. He has asked 
to me to express some concern about the Fund's depletion.

2. Request for Assistance. Primarily what we are asking for at this time is 
help in spreading the word about Veronza and actively resisting this 
travesty of justice. If, however, you are in a position to provide 
financial assistance at this time, you may do so by by sending a donation 
to the Veronza Bowers Legal Defense Fund at
Veronza Bowers, Jr. Legal Defense Fund

PMB 201

2614 N. Tamiami Trail

Naples, FL 34103-4409

While the events of April 7th were disheartening and discouraging to 
Veronza, his family and his many supporters, to say the least, the response 
of so many individuals since that time has buoyed our spirits. If there is 
any hope to salvage the ailing heart of democracy in America, the 
prescription for remedy is clearly written in this one man's case, the 
outcome of which remains largely in our very own hands.

All the best,

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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