[News] ACTION ALERT Haiti-New Phone # Please call

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Fri Aug 13 08:39:46 EDT 2004

HAITI ACTION ALERT - August 10, 2004

Help  Ensure  Haitians' Right to Demonstrate -- August 12-14!

This week, in the North of Haiti - in Cap-Haitien and the town of Milot - 
demonstrators will be leading a "Caravan of Justice". People will place 
candles at the sites of military attacks and human rights violations 
committed by anti-Aristide forces supporting the coup government of Gerard 
Latortue. This cycle of protest will conclude with non-violent marches in 
both Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince on August 14, 2004.

FAX OR CALL Ambassador James Foley and UN Officials in Haiti!
Demand that Haitians are protected in their right to demonstrate in 
Milot,Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince! [Numbers listed below.]

Democracy was taken away from Haitians on February 29th when their 
democratically elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forcibly removed 
from office by United States officials in a US supported coup d'etat.

However, the Haitian people continue to demand a return to democracy. This 
week marks the beginning of several important demonstrations in Haiti and 
in support of Haiti.

August 14 marks the historical day in 1791 that began the Haitian 
Revolution against slavery and French rule. Normally, this day is a day of 
celebration in Haiti.  However, this year once again, it has become a day 
to remember that Haitian freedom is once again at stake.

Not only are people around the world supporting this movement to protest 
the current government; there are also delegations of international human 
rights observers on the ground in Haiti to monitor the demonstrations all 
this week.  They will be there to
help insure that the people of Haiti are able to exercise their democratic 
right to speak out and protest. They will be our eyes and ears in Haiti; 
it's up to us at home to pour the pressure on officials in Haiti and our 
own government in Washington.

Support these peaceful protests and the right of the Haitian people to 
speak out against injustice. Send a strong message to the UN 'peacekeeping 
forces' and the US Embassy in Haiti that violence or intimidation against 
these demonstrators will not be tolerated.  We are all watching.

FAX OR CALL Ambassador James Foley and UN Officials in Haiti!
Demand that Haitians are protected in their right to demonstrate in Milot, 
Cap-Haitien and Port-au-Prince!
    * U.S. Ambassador to Haiti: James B. Foley
    * PHONE: 011-509-222-0354
    * FAX: 011-509-223-9665
    * UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
    * PHONE: 011-509-244.9650/9660
    * FAX:      011-509-244-9366/9667
    * ** Kofi Annan's Special UN Envoy to Haiti: Mr. Juan Gabriel Valdes
    * ** UN Military Commander in Haiti: Lt. General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro 
    * ** UN Commissioner for Human Rights in Haiti: Mahamane Cisse-Gouro
Please Fax the MINUSTAH office Attention to the 3 listed above.  Better 
yet, send 3 separate letters addressing them individually.

Contact Haiti Action <http://www.haitiaction.net>http://www.haitiaction.net 
or Global Exchange
for more information.

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