[News] Haiti Resolution presented to the DNC

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Sun Aug 1 12:22:57 EDT 2004

From:    Erzilidanto at aol.com
Date:    Sat, 31 Jul 2004 17:31:09 EDT

The Haiti Resolution

Whereas, 2004 marks the 200th anniversary of Haiti's Independence and 
abolition of colonialism and slavery, the only time in history that
a slave revolution achieved independence, and a milestone in the history of 
humankind's struggle for rule by the people for the people;

Whereas, the United Nations has designated 2004 as the International Year 
to commemorate the struggle against slavery and its abolition, in
recognition of the Haitian Revolution and the valiant struggle of the 
Haitian people;

Whereas, in this 2004 year, while the Haitian people worldwide proudly 
commemorate their ancestors' great victory against organized tyranny in
1804, they are forced to continue struggling for justice and democracy in 
Haiti, and against foreign occupation of their sacred land, and must also
continue to struggle for justice and equal rights in the United States, 
where in practice, the Haitian people are the only refugees fleeing political
persecution to be incarcerated and indefinitely detained in U.S. jails, 
even if they have demonstrated a case for political asylum and even if a judge
has ordered their release;

Whereas, such a U.S. policy is a blatantly discriminatory and racially 
biased policy;

Whereas, Haitian voters overwhelmingly elected President Aristide to a 
five-year term ending in 2006 and the U.S. supported Latortue regime came
to power through force and through foreign interference in Haiti's 
sovereignty and democratic process;

Whereas, the Bush Administration installed this unconstitutional Latortue 
regime in Port-au-Prince that has systematically attacked supporters and
officials of the Constitutional government, and allowed the paramilitary 
gangs led by drug dealers, rapists, convicted murderers and members of Haiti's
hated disbanded army to terrorize the Haitian populace, and;

Whereas, this regime change affected not only Haiti's President, but also 
led to the removal and replacement by un-elected persons of more than 7,000
legislative and local officials, and the total disenfranchisement of 8.5 
million Black voters in Haiti that they represented, as well as morally, 
culturally and
psychologically devastating and economically devaluing Haitians residing in 
the U.S. and Haitian-American citizens in the U.S., who send nearly $1
billion per year to Haiti;

Now therefore, the undersigned pro-democracy advocates hereby present this 
Haiti Resolution to be included in the Democratic Party Platform:

Be it resolved, by the Congressional Black Caucus that the Democratic Party 
shall adopt the following "6 Points Haiti Resolution" to its Democratic
platform and will:

Support the return of Constitutional rule to Haiti by restoring all elected 
officials of all parties to their offices throughout the country until the 
end of
their mandates and another election is held, as mandated by Haiti's 

2. Condemn the killings, illegal imprisonment and confiscation of the 
property of supporters of Haiti's Constitutional government, and insist 
that Haiti's
illegitimate "interim government" immediately cease its own persecution and 
put a stop to persecution by the  thugs and murderers from the paramilitary

Insist on the immediate release of all political prisoners in Haitian 
jails, including Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, other Constitutional government
officials and folksinger/activist So Ann;

Insist on the disarmament of the thugs, death squad leaders, and convicted 
human rights violators, and their prosecution for all crimes committed during
the attack on Haiti's elected government; and, help rebuild Haiti's police 
force, ensuring that it excludes anyone who helped to overthrow the 
elected government or who participated in other human rights violations;

5. Stop the indefinite detention and automatic repatriation of Haitian 
refugees and immediately grant Temporary Protected Status to all Haitian 
presently in the United States until democracy is restored to Haiti; and

Support the calls by the OAS, CARICOM and the Africa Union for an 
investigation into the circumstances of President Aristide's removal; and, 
Congresswoman Barbara Lee's T.R.U.T.H Act (HR 3919) which calls for the 
investigation of the forcible removal of the democratically elected President
of Haiti.

Marguerite Laurent, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Pierre Labosierre, Haiti Action Committee
Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Fondasyon Trant Septanm
Alina Sixto, Ajoupa
Picard Losier, Radio Ayiti
Josue Renaud, The New England Human Rights Organization For Haiti
Jean Yvon Kernizan, Haitian Charities of America (HACHOFA)
Paul Mathieu, Organisation De Bienveillence National Haitienne (OBNH)
Louis Elneus, Haiti Lumiere
Jean Benoit, Asosiyasyon Chofe Taksi Ayisyen (ACT)
Lynn Currier, Haitkaah Social Justice Project
Steve Gillis, Boston A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership

"Men anpil chay pa lou"  is Kreyol for - "Many hands make light a heavy load."

See: The Haitian Leadership Networks'  7 "men anpil chay palou" campaigns to
help restore Haiti's independence, the will of the mass electorate and the 
rule of law.



and Haitiaction.net


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