[News] "We're going to drive this guy [Muqtada al-Sadr] into the dirt"

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Tue Apr 27 09:10:38 EDT 2004

US kills tens of Iraqis on Najaf's doorstep
Tuesday 27 April 2004 7:52 AM GMT

US occupation forces have killed tens of Iraqis in overnight clashes near 
the city of Najaf.

Backed up with helicopter gunships, a spokesman in Baghdad claimed 
occupation forces had killed 43 Shia militiamen by Tuesday morning.

But hospital sources said of the 28 people seriously wounded in the 
clashes, only six of them appeared to be militiamen.

Residents said US war planes fired at a Mahdi Army militia post 10km 
northeast of Najaf, after fighting between occupation forces and militiamen 
broke out in the area.

Aljazeera's correspondent in Najaf, Uday al-Katib said he heard loud 
explosions when US troops advanced near the Bu Hidrawi around the road to Kufa.

Scant supplies

Reporting from al-Furat al-Awsat hospital, al-Katib added a few of the 
casualties could be treated due to a severe shortage of medical staff and 

One medic said US occupation troops had taken over al-Sadr hospital and 
were refusing to hand over much needed supplies.

US occupation forces have been set since Monday to enter parts of Najaf to 
kill or capture Iraq's most outspoken anti-occupation Shia cleric, Muqtada 

Confrontations have already erupted between the US military and members of 
al-Sadr's Mahdi army on the outskirts of Kufa.

Red line

Shia leaders have warned there will be an explosion of anger among the 15 
to 16 million Iraqi Shia if US soldiers enter Najaf.

But Brigadier General Mark Hertling, the deputy commander of the 1st 
Armoured Division, told journalists on Monday: "We're going to drive this 
guy [al-Sadr] into the dirt.

"Either he tells his militia to put down their arms, form a political party 
and fight with ideas not guns, or he's going to find a lot of them killed."

Grand Ayat Allah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most revered Shia religious leader, 
has said if US troops enter Najaf or Karbala, they will cross "a red line" 
- implying general Shia resistance.

Aljazeera + Agencies

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