[News] US attack belies Bremer's Falluja 'truce'

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Fri Apr 9 09:10:00 EDT 2004

US attack belies Bremer's Falluja 'truce'
Friday 09 April 2004 9:02 AM GMT

US occupation forces have bombed the Iraqi town of Falluja, belying 
administrator Paul Bremer's announcement that his forces were suspending 
military operations there.

"As of noon today coalition forces have initiated a unilateral suspension 
of offensive operations in Falluja," Paul Bremer told reporters on Friday.

But, the US-led occupation's deputy director of operations, Brigadier 
General Mark Kimmitt, denied the reports of a ceasefire.

Minutes after Bremer's announcement, US forces carried out a fresh 
offensive on Falluja bombing the town from the air. Scores of residents 
were injured in the attack, reported our correspondent.

"There is no brokered agreement for a ceasefire in Falluja," Kimmitt told 
AFP. "There is no agreement between the rebels and the coalition forces."

IGC statement

Earlier, the Iraqi Governing Council member Mohsin Abd al-Hameed in a 
statement on behalf of his Iraqi Islamic party to Aljazeera said military 
action in Falluja would end for a period of 24 hours.

Upon commitment to a ceasefire by the occupation forces and Iraqi 
resistance fighters the ceasefire would continue, the statement said.

The Islamic party political bureau would send a delegation to hold talks 
with prominent figures in the town, the statement said.

Aljazeera, meanwhile, has learnt that during negotiations to end the 
military offensive, US forces imposed many conditions including getting the 
Aljazeera crew out of the town.


At dawn on Friday, US forces asked the residents to evacuate the town, 
reported our correspondent.

This was preceded by bombardment by US forces since late on Thursday. 
Helicopters were seen hovering after the bombings.

Violent clashes also erupted between US forces and resistance fighters.

US tanks too reached central Falluja and bombed the Golan area as well as 
Nazzal, Zubat and Askari.

The bombardment destroyed 10 houses while three went up in flames. Our 
correspondent witnessed a large family arriving at the hospital with two of 
its members dead.

Other members were still under debris, he said, adding that one shrapnel 
hit a pregnant woman while another pierced the eye of a child.

Ambulances were bringing in casualties all night while people have started 
fleeing the city fearing more attacks.

People flee

Men, women and children were fleeing on foot through backstreets and paths 
that cut through fields, carrying small bags, food and medicines.

Most were seen heading toward the nearby village of Naimiyah, south of 
Fallujah, which has been under effective US siege since Monday.

Bodies were left to rot in the streets as people cowered indoors.

On Thursday, the US marines tried to enter the neighbourhoods of Zubat and 
Nazzal but the Shia militia pounded them with anti-tank rockets and mortar 
fire, forcing them to retreat.

The fierce confrontations have left more than 300 people dead and over 500 
wounded, our correspondent reported, citing hospital sources.

Aljazeera + Agencies

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