[News] Atrocities are as American as apple pie

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Thu Apr 8 11:01:11 EDT 2004

Atrocities are as American as apple pie

Editor -- Before we sling self- righteous condemnation upon those who feel 
glee at the desecration suffered by U.S. civilians in Fallujah, we might 
take a moment to contemplate the recent savage torture carried out upon 
James Byrd Jr. of Jasper, Texas, by his fellow townspeople, or the profound 
portrayal of atrocities carried out on black men in the book, "Without 
Sanctuary'' (photography of lynchings in America in the 20th century).

Hanged before jeering crowds (including children) by ecstatic sadistic 
voyeurs, these black men were tortured and killed and their bodies 
desecrated during times of peace in our "civilized" country. What can we 
expect when we are occupiers of a foreign land?


San Francisco Chronicle
April 6, 2004

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