[News] Veronza Bowers still imprisoned despite maxing out

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Apr 8 08:40:55 EDT 2004

Dear Friends,

As you well know, today at 8 AM Veronza Bowers, Jr. was scheduled to be 
released from federal prison after more than 30 years of incarceration.

Yesterday afternoon, prison authorities at the Coleman Correctional Center 
in Florida received a telephone call from the National Parole Commission 
(NPC) in Washington, DC informing them that the waiver of a final parole 
hearing, which they previously granted, had been rescinded and that he 
would not be released as promised. This call came just hours before his 
mandatory release date. All of us, including the Warden at Coleman, 
Veronza's Case Manager and Counselor at the prison, were taken aback and 
shocked by this sudden and unanticipated turn of events. Veronza's three 
sisters and his daughter had already flown from various locations 
throughout the country to be there for him when he exited the penitentiary.

There are several issues and responses to this development that have 
occurred in the last 48 hours. I will spare you the details. (If you are 
interested, read the postscript to this e-mail compiled by Garf)  I do, 
however, want to say that in over 16 years of advocating on Veronza's 
behalf -  dealing with regional and national parole commissions, criminal 
lawyers, members of Congress, prison authorities and the federal judiciary 
- my faith in the fundamental truth of this democratic republic has been 
shaken to the core. I don't think of myself as being particularly naive, 
impressionable or easily shocked. In Veronza's case, however, I witnessed 
up close such a callous disregard for the laws of this nation, the 
Constitution, human rights and human decency itself that it left me aghast. 
Perhaps this latest round should come as no surprise. Many of those who run 
this country and occupy positions of authority write their own rules in 
ways and at times that are totally arbitrary, capricious and dictated by 
personal power and self interest.

To be released from federal penitentiary, the NPC requires what they call a 
final "2/3 Expiration Hearing" be held. Veronza's hearing was waived 
according to the Coleman prison case manager, yet the NPC refuses to accept 
its existence. Warden Holder at Coleman, a fair and decent man according to 
Veronza, attempted to intervene on his behalf by calling the NPC and citing 
a statue which would allow an immediate hearing on the prison grounds to 
expedite the matter. Approval of this hearing was granted, then, within a 
half-an-hour, a call was made to Warden Holder saying that the individual 
approving the local hearing had no authority to do so and Veronza would 
have to wait until June, 2004 to get a hearing date set. Later today, even 
that possibility was called into question due to one NPC staff member's 
interpretation of Veronza's rights. It is very clear that powerful forces 
exist that are intent on denying his freedom for as long as possible.

This has been a sad, frustrating and discouraging day for many of us. On 
the upside, I received a phone call from Veronza this afternoon and, in his 
inimitable style, he radiated optimism, hope and good vibes. "One breath at 
a time," he advised. Veronza remains resolute, positive and asked me to 
convey his love and deep appreciation to all of you. Whatsmore, this gross 
violation of human rights has elicited a very strong reaction from some in 
a position to effect the ultimate outcome of this latest struggle with the 
NPC. Suffice it say, we are not sitting by idly. We remain hopeful that the 
spirit of the Consititution will prevail and Veronza delivered to the 
loving arms of those who care.

I am off to Japan early tomorrow, but will keep you informed of any new 
developments. Thank you all so much for the incredible support and caring 
you have shown. Please forgive me for taking more of your time with this 
matter and asking so much.

All the best,


PS Maynard Garfield has spent many hours during the last couple of days on 
the phone trying to sort out events surrounding this latest action by the 
NPC. To the best of his ability and understanding of this situation, here 
is his synopsis of the issues and responses:

1. Some time back, Veronza's Case Manager (CM) indicated that the National 
Parole Commission had written to him waiving the required 2/3 Expiration 
Hearing necessary for release.

2. The Maryland Parole Board Supervisor informed Voni ( Veronza's sister) 
that her home had been approved as a residence for Veronza and that they 
were informed by the prison in Coleman, FL that he would be released on 
April 7th.

3. In preparation for his release the prison took away Veronza's commissary 
and phone privileges.

4. On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 6th, Veronza's daughter and his three 
sisters boarded planes for Orlando, FL. to be there for his release.

5. Late on the afternoon of April 6th, the NPC informed the prison that 
since Veronza had not presented himself for the obligatory 2/3 Expiration 
Hearing he would not be released on April 7th.

6. Veronza, Voni and Garf started making marathon phone calls to the NPC, 
the prison, attorney Ed Hammock, Gilda Sherrod and others. The most 
cooperative and conscientious help was received by Mr. Jarvis Lovett, 
Veronza's Counselor.  Sherry Grace (director of Mothers of Incarcerated 
Sons) was able to reach the prison Warden who promised to initiate action 
early on Wednesday. The Warden has been helpful and cooperative throughout 
the entire procedure.

7. It is our understanding that early on April 7th the Warden, Case 
Manager, and the Prison Case Management Coordinator had a conference call 
with the NPC in Washington, DC. The NPC was relentless in insisting that 
Veronza could not be released without appearing at the parole hearing. We 
do not know the NPC's standing on the Case Managers assertion that he had a 
written document to the contrary.

8. The Warden got someone in the NPC to agree that it was possible to 
expedite the hearing and have it take place immediately at the Coleman 
Correctional Facility. Thirty minutes later, the Warden received a call 
back from the NPC stating that the agreement to expedite the hearing was a 
mistake and that the next available date on the calendar would be sometime 
in June.

9. Since Wednesday was not an approved visiting day at the prison, the 
Warden graciously made an exception and allowed Veronza's  family to see 
him. His three sisters and daughter decided to declare the visit a "Family 

10. Hopefully someone will convince the NPC to waive or expedite the 
hearing. Otherwise Veronza will remain incarcerated several more months. It 
is amazing that he has managed to keep his wits about him. He remains 
strong and mature. Justice is a fleeting thing which must be constantly 
fought for. Our prayers are with him.


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