[News] Tell the truth about Haiti April 14 - 7PM

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Wed Apr 7 09:10:22 EDT 2004

The Haiti Action Committee presents

"Tell the T.R.U.T.H.about Haïti!"

speakers: Barbara Lee and Kevin Pina
with Pierre Labossiere and Dennis Bernstein

April 147-9:30 PM
1st Congregational Church, Oakland
Harrison & 27th St.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee calls for an indepedent investigation (H.R. 
3919)of the Bush Administration's participation in the Coup d'Ètat of 
President Aristide

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Congressional Black Caucus Haiti Task 
Force Co-Chair,  last month introduced the T.R.U.T.H. (The Responsibility 
to Uncover the Truth about Haiti) Act which calls for an independent 
bipartisan commission to uncover the facts about the Bush Administration's 
involvement in the recent coup d'Ètat in Haiti. The bill was co-sponsored 
by John Conyers and 23 other members od the CBC.

The T.R.U.T.H.  Act calls for the commission to investigate the following:

* Did the U.S. Government impede democracy and contribute to the overthrow 
of the Aristide government?

* Under what circumstances did President Jean-Bertrand Aristide resign, and 
what was the role of the United States Government in bringing about his 

* To what extent did the U.S. impede efforts by the international 
community, particularly the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, to 
prevent the overthrow of the democratically-elected Government of Haiti?

* What was the role of the United States in influencing decisions regarding 
Haiti at the United Nations Security Council and in discussions between 
Haiti and other countries that were willing to assist in the preservation 
of the democratically-elected Government of Haiti by sending security 
forces to Haiti?

* Was U.S. assistance provided or were U.S. personnel involved in 
supporting, directly or indirectly, the forces opposed to the government of 
President Aristide?

* Was U.S. bilateral assistance channeled through nongovernmental 
organizations that were directly or indirectly associated with political 
groups actively involved in fomenting hostilities or violence toward the 
government of President Aristide?

Kevin Pina, the Flashpoints Radio correspondent in Haiti will comment on 
the importance of The T.R.U.T.H. Act and provide an update on the current 
situation in Haiti.

DONATION requested to support the work of HAC and the Haiti Information 
Project in Port au Prince, Haiti

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