[News] Rush Limbaugh on Queer Eye?

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Tue Apr 6 12:18:11 EDT 2004

Subject: Rush Limbaugh on Queer Eye?
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 17:05:26 GMT

The right-wing wants to take over your life,
starting with the right to choose.
Watch this movie to find out how!
Then march with us April 25 to stop them.

Never thought you'd see Rush Limbaugh on "Queer Eye for the
Straight Guy?"
Check this out:


Okay, it's not quite Queer Eye ... it's "Right Wing Eye," a
hilarious new spoof featuring five of America's most outrageous
conservatives: Rush, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed, and the Prude
Pats (Buchanan and Robertson). In this episode, the Boys give
young American couple Ted and Laura a totally fab right-wing
makeover. And you thought "living in sin" was still in style?
Please! That's so 90s!

Yes, Right Wing Eye is outrageous. But it's not far from the
truth. Conservative forces in America really ARE trying to take
over your life -- starting with your right to choose. The
assault on reproductive rights has never been as highly
coordinated and strategic, and it is moving America backwards
every day.

If you're angry about losing your rights, you're not alone. And
if you want to do something about it, there's finally a solution
-- a way to stand up and resist the right wing:


On April 25, the largest pro-choice march EVER will descend on
Washington, DC. Hundreds of thousands -- maybe millions -- of
men and women, of all races and religions, from all walks of
life, will stand arm in arm against the conservative agenda. It
will be the pro-choice march to end all marches. We need you

Even before you get to Washington, you can take the first step
-- help us spread the word about The Right Wing Eye. Send this
message to your friends and colleagues. Forward it to reporters
you know. If you belong to any social justice bulletin boards,
listservs or web communities, post a message with the link.
Every foot on the DC pavement, every fist in the air, every
lifted voice will strengthen our fight against the right wing

Right Wing Eye is a satirical production by Planned Parenthood
Federation of America with no affiliation, association, or
endorsement by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, its producers, or

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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